

Using Tagxedo, children were asked to make a picture and words reflecting their thoughts about Lent:
To try it out follow this link:

Project Compassion Fund Raiser - Ping Pong Game

"Wise Words" boxes

Children were asked to get some quotes from the Bible, their parents, their friends or influential people and make a box of treasures, where they could keep their 'Wise Words'.

Here are a few pictures:

People who followed their informed conscience:


We looked at the parts of the Mass and used the resource "Together at One Altar"

Children made a poster in groups to summarise their understanding. Then they were tested on their knowledge individually.

Pentecost Dove Kite

We studied The Parable of the Sower.

The children appeared to connect very deeply with this parable and they showed diverse understandings, which enriched us all. We shared and modified our ideas as we discussed alternative meanings. 

Some children came to some common understandings about the parable: The parable could be about how we take the Word of God into our hearts, grow in love, and share it with others, to build God's kingdom.

To help children to engage with this, we have had discussions, videos, Bible readings and individual reflection time. As well as this, we have been doing artwork, drama presentations (Godly Play) and computer activities:  Pivot 3, Glogster, videos and posters using Word, etc. 
This gives you an idea of some of the questions and activities we covered.

Here are a few examples of their presentations:
Pivot 3 is a program where students can move a stick figure and create animations. It is very simple to use. 

This is a video that William did using PIVOT 3. 

  • It shows the Sower planting the seeds on the path, but the birds come and take it away. 
  • Then the Sower plants the seeds in the rocky ground, but the plants have shallow roots and can't withstand the heat of the sun. They wither and die. 
  • After that, the Sower plants the seeds in the ground but the thorns choke the plants and they die. 
  • Finally, the Sower plants the seeds in the good soil. The plants thrive and produce a good crop ready for harvest. The sower harvests the crop and rejoices at his bountiful supply. 

This was a video by Ethan. It depicts the same Parable as above. 
At the end the Sower has a sleep. Perhaps his work is done.

This is a video that Madison did, explaining her understanding of the Parable of the Sower. She asks some very interesting questions at the end. She used stop motion apps on her iPad to film it, and iMovie.

Abby and Emily did a poster and used cups with soil and characters to represent the stages. They read it out to the class.

With our buddies, we made plants that grow in good soil. We wrote things we can do to spread God's love to others - eg) Look after others when they are hurt or upset. Pray for others, etc.

The following pictures are the examples of Artwork depicting the Parable of the Sower.

During Holy Week we have been reflecting on the life of Jesus and how he suffered and died for us. On Tuesday, we walked around the oval, viewing the Stations of the Cross. Children read from a script, and we said a prayer after each station. We also viewed a video about the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

We also talked about the Last Supper and held a liturgy in our classroom.

In Religion lessons this term, we have learnt about ways to connect with our spirituality. We have explored how to do this through the use of mandalas. The students made mandalas on MS Word and found a quote that 'spoke' to them. Some children made up their own. 
Here are some photos of a few.


In Term 3 we learnt about St Joseph and how he was a man of faith, love and action. Here are some paintings the children did.

This Term in Religion, we have looked at the parable of 'The Good Samaritan.' We discussed who Jesus was talking about when he asked us to 'love our neighbour.' We talked about how Jesus challenged the order of society by showing that the Priest and Levite (respected people) walked away from the injured man, but the Samaritan helped the injured man. 

The children made the characters from the story, and acted it out with a group using a method called 'Godly Play.' We filmed their acting of the story. Then they made the characters for their Year R/1 buddies.  Let me know if you would like to see their video when you have your interview!

Here is a picture of one group's characters. 

Last Term in Religion, we focused on our Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Well-being
We are responsible for our own well-being and also have a responsibility to care for others. Children were asked to create something to represent how they care for their own spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. Here are a couple of examples of their work.

Some of our Christmas Crafts from 2011! 

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